熱風烘干機又稱為熱風攪拌烘干機,采用雙軸攪拌、螺旋推進的高濕粘稠物料快速干燥機,適合于高粘度高濕度物料干燥,熱風干燥機可將初含水65%以下的高濕物料一次烘干到終含水5-12%以下,干燥時間短,一般為2-20 。
熱風烘干機典型應用如污泥干燥、石膏干燥、礦泥干燥、澎潤土干燥、酒糟干燥、果渣干燥、藥渣干燥、豆渣干燥、糖渣干燥、醬渣干燥、泥炭干燥、稀土等高濕物料干燥、有機 、無機化合物及化工原料等泥狀、粉粒狀、片狀高濕物料干燥。
The hot air dryer is researched and made on our own based on the international advanced technology. It is a modern industrial heat source updating and upgrading product which is preferred to be widely used in the electronic, food, pharmacy, printing, packaging and cleaning.
It is typically used to dry high humidity materials like mud, gypsum, slurry, bentonite, vinasse, pomace, medicine dregs, bean dregs, sugar residue, soya residue, peat and rare earth as well as muddy, particle and flake organic and inorganic compound, chemical materials. The particle size of the materials dried by the hot air dryer is 2-5mm, and the materials are under low temperature which makes the dryer applied to heat sensitivity materials.
熱風烘干機采用雙軸攪拌、螺旋推進的高濕粘稠物料快速干燥機,適合于高粘度高濕度物料干燥,熱風干燥機可將初含水65%以下的高濕物料一次烘干到終含水5-12%以下,干燥時間短,一般為2-20 。由于熱分烘干機高速攪拌葉片激烈攪拌潮濕物料,濕物料能與熱風良好接觸。熱風烘干機機內前半部分水分蒸發較快,機內熱風溫度急劇下降,因此,即使熱風攪拌烘干機使用高溫熱風,物料的溫升也不高。
The hot air dryer adopts double shaft stirring and spiral pushing dryer processing high humidity materials. It can dry the original high humidity materials with 65% of water to the final ones with 5-12% of water inside. It only takes 2-20 minutes. As the dryer stirring blade stirs the wet materials intensely at high speed, materials meet the hot air completely. The moisture of the materials in the front part of the dryer is easier to be vaporized which makes the air temperature decrease rapidly. So, even the stirring dryer works with high temperature air, materials are still at lower temperature.
標準型熱風攪拌烘干機采用 設計的散熱裝置,持續進風溫度可達230℃(可訂制更高溫度),風量調節采用變頻器調速,更顯節能,可控性高,熱損少等優異特性。另有遠程開關(6m)及電機保護器(經濟型用)可供選配。
熱風烘干機廠家地址:中國-河南-鄭州-高新 產業開發區-檀香路-8號。